The Special Awards
In addition to the Finest Beer Selection, i.e. all beers with a Finest Beer Score of 90 or more points,
we choose the “Beer of the Year” nationally and internationally as well as the “Brewery of the Year” nationally and internationally.
“Beer of the Year” (national and international) are those beers that were awarded
the highest Finest Beer Score by the jury over the entire competition.
"Brewery of the year" - This title is awarded to those breweries that
make it into the Finest Beer Selection with at least five beers
and achieve the highest average Finest Beer Score among the five best-placed beers.
Award winners 2024
Brewery of the Year 2024 Germany:
Brauerei Gebr. Maisel/Maisel & Friends, Bayreuth
Brewery of the Year 2024 international:
Hertog Jan, Arcen (Niederlande)
Beer of the Year 2024 Germany:
Störtebeker Braumanufaktur: Nordik-Porter
Beer of the Year international 2024: