All beers that receive a Finest Beer Score of 90 or more points from the judges will be included in that year’s Finest Beer Selection.


	Gut 100 Brauereivertreter aus dem In- und Ausland nahmen ihre Urkunden bei der Preisverleihung persönlich in Empfang (Credit: Ad Lumina/Ralf Ziegler)

The Finest Beer Selection 2023 was presented for the first time at a celebratory awards ceremony in Neustadt an der Weinstraße. 880 beers from almost 200 breweries from 18 countries competed in the new tasting format.

Brauerei des Jahres National
The Gebr. Maisel brewery was named “National Brewery of the Year”. In the picture (from left): Dr. Werner Gloßner (Doemens), Michael König and Markus Briemle (Brauerei Gebr. Maisel) and Christian Wolf (Meininger Verlag).
Lahnsteiner Brauerei
The proud crew of the Lahnsteiner Brewery around the brewery owner Dr. Markus Fohr (l.) with her five certificates.
The moderators Christian Wolf (left) and Dr. Werner Gloßner. (right)



The Special Issue for Finest Beer Selection 2023


Special Issue

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Brauerei Faust
The Faust brewery from Miltenberg is included in
the Finest Beer Selection 2023 with five beers..
Gerhard Wallner from the Stieglbrauerei in Salzburg
was pleased to receive five awards.